Archive for September, 2008

10 Rules That Make Renting a Car Online Simple

10 Rules That Make Renting a Car Online Simple
By Aaron Brooks

Computers and the World Wide Web are turning people into mouse clickers. One can do just about anything on the net: file for divorce, hire a car, and search for a husband or date, and shop. If you ever need to rent a car you need no longer go to a hire agency, the whole process can be done online.

To make renting a car online safe and easy, just follow these 10 rules:

1.Do a thorough search on the net and short list a few rent-a-car companies. Determine their rates, when they were established, and their business module. Find out whether they have a good reputation. A few examples of excellent companies are and

2.Locate a company that offers you a good deal and is located close to where you live. If you collect and return the car quite close to the companys location you will save money.

3.Before you approach a company online and fill in your needs, make up your mind on what kind of car you want, for how many days, what features are essential for you and so on. Consider where you are going and find out whether you will need anti-freeze or snow chains.

4.Before you fill in your needs and pay for a car you must read through the contract and the terms and conditions in fine print. List any questions you may have and ring up the companys toll free number for clarifications.

5.Use as ready reference the list of essential documents required for renting a car and get all your papers in order. While some companies accept scans of documents others may ask you to courier the documents or drop them off.

6.Make sure the package you choose is beneficial and determine if you are entitled to any discount. Before making an online payment check to see whether the company has a safe gateway.

7.And be sure to ensure that the car is insured , its papers are in order, and that the company has a few travel insurance schemes.

8.Many companies top the tank before you get the car while others require you to fill the gas. Find out as much as you can about the company policy regarding gas, free drop off and pick up, and who is responsible if the car needs any repair.

9.Check whether you have the car rental companys 24/7 contact numbers and e-mail addresses in case of emergency.

10.Check whether your drivers license is valid for where you are planning to drive and whether the car rental company has any rules about only the person renting the car being allowed to drive.

Many rent-a-car companies have great marketing schemes in place they offer discounts, coupons, reward points, and more. Visit car rental directories to find out what is new and what is beneficial.

Aaron Brooks is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find Seo consulting, link buildings and professionals seo training, online marketing tips, seo tools and more. He also freelances for the premier Airport Parking site

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MercedesBenz New VicePresident of Customer Services

Mercedes-Benz New Vice-President of Customer Services
By Dwayne Thomas

Mercedes-Benz USA has announced recently the appointment of Alan McLaren as vice-president of customer services effective immediately. McLaren succeeded Klaus Ulkann who is retiring from the company after its 30 years tenure with DaimlerChrysler organization with the seven years spent with Mercedes-Benz USA.

McLaren, being the new vice-president of customer services will be responsible for all operations relating to customers, engineering services, after-sales marketing & logistics and the MBUSAs award-winning customer assistance center.

Why was McLaren chosen for the position? McLaren has had eight years of experience with DaimlerChrysler abroad. And just recently, he also served as managing director for all the owned retail operations of DaimlerChrysler both in Australia and Pacific region. His scope of responsibilities also includes sales, service, and parts operations of Mercedes-Benz passenger car dealerships, body shops, and commercial vehicle dealerships.

McLaren has also spent three years working as senior executive and general manager for DaimlerChrysler Truck Group. It was in the year 1999 when McLaren started his career with DaimlerChrysler first as senior manager for Freightliner Trucks for DC Australia/Pacific in Melbourne.

McLaren is a graduate of Australian Institute of Management and hold a degree in sales and marketing. He is a native of Australia but relocate to Mahwah, New Jersey. Mercedes-Benz USA is the subsidiary that is tasked with the sales, service, and marketing of all Maybach and Mercedes-Benz products in United States.

Mercedes-Benz is a German brand name for buses, coaches, automobiles, trucks and auto parts like its line of Mercedes air filters which includes Mercedes performance air filter created originally for Daimler-Benz AG but now owned by DaimlerChrysler AG. It was in June 28, 1926 when Daimler-Benz was founded resulting from the merging of Benz & Cie. and Daimler Motoren Gesellschaft (DMG).

The Benz & Cie. was one of the most important companies founded by Karl Benz in 1871. DMG on the other hand was founded by Gottlieb Daimler and his partner Wilhem Maybach in 1890, unfortunately when Daimler died in 1900 and Maybach left DMG in 1907, the two companies ended as rivals.

Then in the year 1924 after World War I, the two companies entered into an agreement of mutual interest wherein each company is allowed to manufacture and sell their products under their original brand names. The said agreement was valid until 2000. The brand Mercedes-Benz was created and used after the 1926 official merger.

It was in the year 1998 when Daimler-Benz and Chrysler have agreed to merge their business under the guise of merger of equals which created the DaimlerChrysler AG.

For more about your Mercedes parts needs like Mercedes air filters, visit your trusted online source.

Dwyane Thomas is a part time cook and full-time auto-enthusiast. This 31-year old Civil and Environmental graduate is a consultant at one of the engineering firms in Pennsylvania.

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~Car Accident Insurance Claim~ Regarding Impacts And Injuries

~Car Accident Insurance Claim~ Regarding Impacts And Injuries
By Dan Baldyga

As of January 2003 it was determined that in the good ole US of A, there were approximately 12.3 million motor vehicle accidents involving over 21 million vehicles last year. This amounts to a little over one crash per second. Lets take a look at four of the most common of these gazillion impacts and the typical injuries they cause.

#1. LOW SPEED IMPACTS – – ESPECIALLY REAR-ENDERS: These are crashes that are considered to be any collision that takes place at speeds under 10 MPH. While there is absolutely no justification to call it a Low Speed impact thats what the insurance industry loves to identify them as. Why ? Because a moniker like that is supposed to indicate that the, so-called impact, you were subjected to could not possibly have caused an injury.

Its true that when such a crash does take place theres often not a lot of damage done to the motor vehicle and yet, in most cases, people involved in these types of accidents more often than not suffer injuries – – neck injuries especially!

Although the insurance industry would like to have those making a claim think differently an injury can and absolutely does occur when a low impact collision takes place. The most common is identified as the Whiplash. This takes place when the occupants dont have the slightest idea about the impending collision so they cant brace themselves by forcing their back and/or neck against the seat or headrest. Because of this their body gets whipped and snapped about something fierce.

Automobile bumpers are built to withstand up to a 5 MPH crash without damage. This is not done to insure the safety of the occupant but rather to protect and limit the damage to the bumpers, keeping the cost of repair to a minimum. Many times vehicle to vehicle impacts can sustain an impact of 8 to 9 MPH before theres recognizable damage to the motor vehicle. However, when the bumper doesnt crumble and absorb the force of the impact, more of that crash is felt by the occupants. IMMEDIATE INJURIES: The individual thats been crashed into by another (even at only 5 MPH) is thrown forward with a severe jerking motion – – causing necks to snap and backs to twist. Because of this many Soft Tissue styled injuries take place, including multiple body bruises, plus chest and rib injuries. In most cases adjusters attempt to deny the possibility of injuries in a low speed impact but research substantiates just the opposite! Sure, the motor vehicle will show little damage but the velocity and accompanying force have to be transferred somewhere, and thats to those sitting in that vehicle. Cars are built to withstand such minor impacts – – the human body is not!

#2. FRONTAL COLLISIONS: In most frontal impacts the occupants can generally brace themselves because theyre usually aware of the collision theyre about to be subjected to. In Frontal Collisions the speed and weight of the vehicle play a role in the injuries of the occupant. (The more the vehicle crumbles at impact the less severe the injuries to the occupants. Many times airbags will deploy). In frontal impact collisions the speed and size of the vehicle determines the injuries that can take place. (And – – getting back to rear-end collisions for just a moment – – the striking vehicle not only undergoes a collapse, but transfers momentum to the car thats been struck by pushing it forward. The airbag may or may not explode. This depends upon the rigidity of the vehicle thats been struck).IMMEDIATE INJURIES: Head and neck, back, spine, rib and clavicle, arms and legs, concussions, soft tissue, internal, dislocations, abrasions, cuts and bruises.48 to 72 hours later: Headache, blurred vision, dizziness and loss of taste, smell or hearing. Also, difficulty breathing, blood in urine or stool, swelling, loss of motion and visualized bruising take place.

#3. SIDE IMPACT: Many times the occupants head will hit the side window and bounce off of it. There are no air bags nor bumpers, engines, etc., to help protect ones body or absorb the force of the impact. IMMEDIATE INJURIES: Head and neck, arms & legs, soft tissue, dislocations, scrapes and bruises. 48 to 72 hours later: Pain, headache, blurred vision, dizziness, loss of taste, smell or hearing, numbness or tingling (and basically the same as those listed above) so, at the risk of being repetitious but because its so important, I must say once again: Its of major importance that the individual exposed to impact – – no matter how slight it may seem to have been – – should immediately be examined by a medical professional.

#4. ROLL-OVER ACCIDENTS: The typical roll-over accident is very serious. The most common factors in single vehicle accidents are approaching a curve at too high a speed, leaving the pavement or highway, or over-correcting the steering wheel – – particularly in vehicles with a short wheel base. The severity of injuries to the occupants generally depends on the beginning velocity of speed, the number of rolls, condition of the vehicle, and what your motor vehicle rolled through, over and into! Damage to the vehicle is generally extensive. It has been determined that 60% of the economic costs from roll-overs resulted from occupant ejection, and that the initial roll-over speed was between 40 to 60 MPH. (A recent study reported that restrained occupants showed a higher proportion of neck injuries than the unrestrained).

IMMEDIATE INJURIES: The whole nine yards – all of those as detailed above.


The bottom line (to all 4 of the above) is that in all motor vehicle accidents – – no matter how minor the damage its of the greatest importance that each and every individual immediately visit a medical professional for a physical examination and/or consultation. So, should you find yourself at the scene of an accident and somebody asks if you think they should see a doctor, your answer should always be, ABSOLUTELY ! Stare straight into their eyeballs and tell them, Its your body. Theres only one to a customer. You should do whatever you can to take care of it and protect it.

DISCLAIMER: This article ~ CAR ACCIDENT INSURANCE CLAIM ~ REGARDING IMPACTS AND INJURIES is intended for background information only. Its purpose is to help people understand the motor vehicle accident claim process. Neither Dan Baldyga, Thomas Brown nor ARTICLE CITY make any guarantee of any kind whatsoever NOR purports to engage in rendering any professional or legal service, substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, or claims consultant, or the like. where such professional help is desired IT IS THE INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY TO OBTAIN IT.

Dan Baldygas third and latest book, AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the internet at: This book reveals How To successfully handle your motor vehicle accident claim, so you wont be taken advantage of. It also goes into detail regarding the revolutionary BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula). BASE explains how to determine the value of the Pain and Suffering you endured – – because of your personal injury.

Copyright (c) 2003 by Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved

Dan Baldyga – Author

19 Winona Drive, West Springfield, MA 01089
Phone: (413) 733 0127 FAX: (413) 731 8358
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About The Author

For over 30 years Dan Baldyga was a claims adjuster, supervisor, manager and also a trial assistant. He is now retried and spends his time attempting to assist those involved in motor vehicle accident claims so they will not be taken advantage of.

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10 Must Know Tips For Hassle Free Car Rental

10 Must Know Tips For Hassle Free Car Rental
By Barry Allen

Renting a car for personal or business trips has become easy with the advent of the World Wide Web. There are many car rental agencies and directories online, and so one can rent a car of choice without blinking an eye.

For many of us renting a car can be a hassle and cause tensions if things go haywire at the last minute. Here are a few tips that can make car rental hassle free:

1.Try and firm up travel plans and make your reservation at least a week in advance. If you book early you will get better rates. And, many car rental companies offer discounts for bookings made online.

2.Choose the car rental company carefully. Use comparison tools available on several websites to compare rates, service, and different vehicles.

3.Read through the contract and make sure you find out what the terms and conditions of cancelling a booking are. Also determine who is responsible for filling gas and what happens if there is a break down.

4.Protect your own interest by insisting on a thorough check before you get into the car and one when you return it. This way you will not be charged for dents and such when you return the car.

5.Try and use the same company whenever you need to rent a car. Most car rental online sites have loyalty programs and offer great discounts as well as quick service to repeat customers.

6.Determine when the car was last serviced and whether the car insurance and other permits are all in order.

7.If your auto insurance does not cover rental cars consider taking car rental insurance. Before you take an auto insurance policy try and review the plan with regard to provisions, limitations, and exclusions. Find out the extent of liability coverage.

8.When filling the form give all relevant details: how many travelers will there be; are there any children; where you will be going; when you will return the car and where and so on.

9.Keep documentation is proof of ID, credit card, and drivers license handy. Find out whether you need any further permissions or permits where you intend to drive. Different states within the US and different countries abroad have their own unique set of rules.

10.Find out whether vehicles picked up at an airport incur extra costs; ask if the company you are renting the car from offers free pick up and drop options; find out what the companys 24?7 emergency contact numbers are; ask about roadside assistance and what the working hours of the companys offices are.

Be a knowledgeable car renter and read the many articles and tips on the internet devoted to car rental. If you are organized and systematic car rental will not be a problem and soon you will be a pro!

Barry Allen is a freelance writer for , the premier website for car rental, cheap car rental, online reservation, information about discount car rental companies, special offers, car rental guidance, tips, articles, How to, directories and many more. He also freelances for the premier Cars site

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How to Buy a Cheap Used Car

How to Buy a Cheap Used Car
By Steve Faber

Many of us dream of buying a cheap used car. Well, lets amend that a bit. Many people dream of buying a cheap, good, used car. Unfortunately its all too easy to get a cheap used car thats, well, cheap. Youve probably already got one of those, though. Here is how you can get one of the cheap, good used cars.

There are several things to consider. The first thing to think about when youre looking for a used car is what your requirements are in a vehicle. If you need to drive yourself 40 miles a day to work, a Chevy Suburban is probably not your best choice. Conversely, if you take your family of 7 on trips while towing your boat, a Suburban would be a great vehicle for you. You can save quite a bit of money by getting only what you really need in a vehicle. While that may not be very exciting, the money you save will be.

Once youve decided what type of vehicle suits your needs the best, narrow down which vehicles in that category will be the most desirable. The less picky you are when it comes to things such as colors, brand, and features, the easier it will be to get a great used car, cheap. A few features you shouldnt overlook are safety and reliability. After all you, and possibly your family, will depend on this car, and if you think about it, your lives are at stake every time you ride in it. Check Consumer Reports and MSN autos for reliability figures. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety does some very good tests to determine the vehicle safety in a variety of different collision situations. Check them out as well.

Once youve narrowed down the field a bit, its time to start looking for your new, used car (isnt that an oxymoron?). Look for some of the less popular, but still functional, reliable, and safe brands. Youll save some money for example, by foregoing a Honda for a Nissan, or skipping a Toyota and landing in the drivers seat of a Mazda. One other point to consider is that todays vehicles hold up remarkably well with far beyond 100,000 miles showing on the odometer. In fact, they can still look and run almost new at this figure. So, dont let a few miles scare you. Youre buying the car for what it has left, not what it has.

Once you found a car that seems to fit your requirements, there are some things you should check to make sure you are in fact getting a good, cheap car, not just a cheap car. Locating one that has been well taken care of is vital. While todays vehicles are remarkably robust, they do require regular maintenance to ensure they will provide the years of service of which they are capable.

They may run like Swiss watches, with the highly engineered, internal parts spinning about in a fine, choreographed ballet, but that example of modern engineering could turn into a pile of very expensive junk if it doesnt get the care it feels it deserves. The subsystems for modern vehicles are very expensive. Its not uncommon for a transmission to cost between $3,000 and $6,000. An engine may set you back almost $10,000. The moral here is that a bit of careful investigation could save you a big headache later. You need to act like a horse trader in the old west. Look at the old girl to be sure you really want to take her home.

When youre out shopping, you should definitely check the vehicles history. You may discover all manner of horrors hiding in its sordid past. Carfax works very well for this. Bring a laptop or mobile device to access the web while youre shopping. You can get unlimited uses for a month for a pretty reasonable price, so you can check out a large number of prospective vehicles as youre shopping.

When youre actually looking at the car, kneel down and sight down the cars body lines. If they are wavy or you can see obvious imperfections in the paint, chances are the car has been damaged and repaired at some point. Another trick is to bring a small magnet with you. If the car has metal body thats been repaired with body filler putty, the magnet will not adhere to the repair as well as it does to the other parts of the body. Crawl under the car and check the frame or unibody members for any signs of bending, corrosion or other damage. See if it looks like the cars underside has been places you wouldnt take a car you loved.

Pop open the hood. Pull out the dipstick to check the oil. See if the oil is between the add and full markers, and if its black or a nice, golden brown. If its thick and black, the oil probably has been neglected. Check to see of theres any white substance mixed with the oil. Thats usually engine coolant. Its not supposed to be in there with the engines oil. If it is, theres a blown gasket or an even more serious engine problem. That wont be an inexpensive car, but it may be a cheap one.

Check the tires for uneven wear. If the tires need to be replaced soon, that may not be a trivial expense on many cars. You could spend $350 – $600 on a new set of treads, mounted and balanced. The cars tires are extremely important to vehicle safety, handling, braking and acceleration however, so dont skimp if you do have to put on a new set of tires. Just be sure you use the fact in your negotiations. Uneven tire wear may also be indicative of a greater problem, such as a suspension or alignment issue. It could also mean the car has been wrecked in the past and not repaired correctly.

You need to decide where you want to look for your car. You can choose a private party. You can often get a great deal from a private party. See if you can discover their reason for selling the car. Some insight here may determine if you have a highly motivated seller and give you the upper hand in the negotiation. Another benefit to a private party is that youll often get the cars service records. These can boost the resale for you later and shed light on any past problems.

You can obviously buy from a dealer. There are hundreds of lots brimming with shiny used cars in most metro areas. You wont get as good a deal from a dealer (?) in most cases, but you wont have to meet 46 different sellers either. In addition, you can possibly get some kind of warranty of the dealer offers one. If you do elect to avail yourself of a warranty, read the entire contract vewy, vewy carewfuwy.

You can buy your cheap, used car from an auction. There are many different kinds of vehicle auctions. Many law enforcement agencies sell off vehicles confiscated according to property forfeiture laws. These laws allow the agencies to keep property of those arrested for a variety of crimes, particularly drug crimes. If the perp had pride in his ride, you can get a very nice vehicle. Other auctions are held to dispose of vehicles seized by customs officials, abandoned at towing yards, or to satisfy tax liens. You can also find fantastic deals at auctions held to liquidate vehicle fleets of large businesses, such as phone and utility companies. Its not uncommon for vehicles to be sold for far lower than they would in any other marketplace, often at only pennies on the dollar..

The downside of auctions is, you guessed it, you know nothing about these cars. In addition you cant drive them in most cases. In the cases where you can drive them, youll only be permitted to take them for a slow spin around the auction yard. Another downside is inventory selection at many vehicle auctions. The selection can range form outstanding to very limited. You know what, though? Many used cars on dealer lots are found at auctions. The dealers keep this little secret tucked safely away inside their little book of tricks. If you could get your new car at an auction you could pay what the dealers pay, sometimes less.

Next time you need to buy a cheap, used car, remember there is one for you out there somewhere. You just need to find it. Remember, cheap and good!

There’s no reason you shouldn’t be able to get a great car, cheap. If you hate to deal with the dealer, you’re not alone, but you can be one of those that works your dealer over, instead of the other way around. If you want to be one of the few that actually enjoys the car buying process and knows how to find the best cheap cars, check out the buy a used car cheap guide.

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Top Tips For Choosing Your Breakdown Cover

Top Tips For Choosing Your Breakdown Cover
By Louis Rix

Until quite recently the choices for breakdown cover where limited to two major companies, the AA and the RAC. Even today they are the two most popular choices of motorists. However there are others creeping in, for example Green Flag from the supermarket Tesco is just one of those bringing more competition to the market.

With the average cost of breakdown cover costing around 35 and the typical cost of recovery being around 70 then it could be worthwhile taking out motor breakdown cover.

When choosing cover there are a few things you should take into account before selecting which provider to go with. For example, the average response time to reach you should be around 20 to 40 minutes so it is worthwhile checking this out.

If you go beyond anything but the very basic cover then it can get quite complicated. However typical things you can watch out for include whether the policy includes home recovery. This means that your car will be repaired should it break down while at home or near your home.

Is the cost of alternative transport included in your policy? For example, if your car cannot be fixed immediately, do you get a hire car or will the company transport you to your destination?

Does the price include the breakdown service getting in touch with friends or family members to let them know you are stranded and will be late?

Also, look out for whether the policy is vehicle based or people based. Some of the larger providers offer this type of cover. If vehicle based, then it is the car that has the cover, no matter who the driver. If it is people based, then the person who is covered could be in any vehicle when they call out the breakdown cover.

And finally, does the cover include the cost of breakdown if you are on the continent?Once you have checked out the cover and you can make an educated choice as to which of the options best suits your circumstances.

Louis Rix is a Director of, one of the UK’s leading motoring websites. First established in January 2000, its mission is to become the UK’s number one site for used car searches and motoring information. Netcars also provide Car Loans, finance and insurance.

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‘Brand Watch’ Finds Best Exteriors For New Truck And Suv Shoppers

‘Brand Watch’ Finds Best Exteriors For New Truck And Suv Shoppers
By Benjamin Hudson

When buying something, most people intently look at the outer surface of a thing because it oftentimes says the quality and performance.

Kelley Blue Book and Kelley Blue Book Marketing Research announced the results of the Exterior Styling segment of its newest automotive research study, Brand Watch.

Kelley Blue Book Vice President for Marketing and Market Research Rick Wainschel said exterior styling is one of the top decision factors among vehicle shoppers, and consumers’ perceptions can add or eliminate a brand from someone’s consideration list. He added that the real-time reporting of the Brand Watch data and the ability to see these brand perceptions can be extremely helpful in tracking shifts in new vehicle shopper attitudes and developing responses to those shifts.

The Kelley Blue Book Brand Watch Study on Exterior Styling was further categorized into seven segments. These are the convertibles/Sports cars, Trucks, Minivans, Luxury SUVs, Non Luxury SUVs, Luxury Sedan, and Non Luxury Sedan.

The results gave some surprises. Porsche bested other convertibles or sports cars by ranking number one in the category. It was followed by Mercedes-Benz at rank 2, then by Jaguar at rank 3.

For new trucks, according to auto shoppers, Ford has the best exterior, and then followed by GMC and then Chevrolet. Dodge, Toyota, Nissan, and Honda almost got a spot in the category where it placed fourth, fifth, eight, and eleventh, respectively. In the Minivans category, however, Dodge ranked 1; Toyota ranked 2; and Honda ranked 3.

Consumers find BMW as the luxury SUV with the best exterior, Lexus as the second best and Mercedes-Benz as the third. Meanwhile, on the Non Luxury SUVs, the top three in rank in descending order- is composed of Ford, Toyota and GMC.

BMW indeed proved its luxury when it ranked 1 again in the luxury category, this time, for the Sedan. Mercedes-Benz immediately followed at rank two and Infiniti at rank 3. Meanwhile, on the Non Luxury Sedan, Nissan, Honda and Toyota bagged the first, second, and third place, respectively.

Volkswagen, with its newly enhanced VW valve covers for its new vehicles was not found in the top list of the results. Some said this is because the study was only based on the exterior of the car and not on the engine, which is one of the priority parts of a car.

Jack R. Nerad, the Executive Editorial Director and at the same time the Executive Market Analyst of Kelley Blue Book said that as vehicle reliability reaches near-parity in the market, they predict that exterior styling will play an even bigger role in building new-vehicle sales and brand equity. He further said the results of the Brand Watch study demonstrate that the industry is, and should be, placing great emphasis on what their vehicles look like.

Brand Watch taps into active shoppers to determine their perceptions of automotive brands within specific automotive segments and is available to vehicle manufacturers and auto industry professionals. Brand Watch further deals into how each manufacturer’s brand equity differs across vehicle segments, compares the relative standing of each make versus competitive makes, and reveals the decision factors of car-buyers within each make and segment. Also, detailed demographic and psychographic information is collected, reported and detailed throughout Brand Watch’s comprehensive study which is available quarterly from Kelley Blue Book Marketing Research.

For more about your VW parts needs like VW valve covers, visit your trusted online source.

Benjamin Hudson works as a supervisor at one of the top engineering firms in the business district of Louisiana. He is also a freelance journalist and has passion for anything automotive.

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Car Auctions Explained

Car Auctions Explained
By Joseph Hanoa

Car auctions in some ways sound very exciting. In other ways they seem to be rather terrifying. There are car auctions taking place every day in some part of the country and online. They will usually be announced in your local newspaper. The ad will state where the auction is and where the cars can be viewed prior to the auction. You can view the cars in the viewing period, find out which ones you are interested in and try to obtain as much information as you can about the cars you are interested in prior to submitting bids. You would like to have a mechanic check out the car and you would like to test drive the car. However, these are options that are unavailable to you when you buy a car at an auction. So you try to do the best check that you can under the circumstances.

One of the things that you can do is to copy down the VIN number. You can then use the internet to check the history of the car. Was it involved in an accident? How serious? Was it involved in a flood? The report will give you this kind of information and only costs a few dollars. When you buy a car at an auction, you are buying it in an as is condition. There are no guarantees and no returns. It is purely caveat emptor, or let the buyer beware.

You can still obtain a good deal at a car auction. You should also be aware that you will be bidding against used car dealers and experienced bidders so you want to have an idea of used car values before you bid. You should do your homework before going to the auction. The same is true for online auctions. Cars sold at online auctions will also have a viewing period. You will have to go to the location where the car is offered for viewing in order to see it so you might not want to get involved in car auctions that are on the opposite coast unless you are a professional.

Before taking part in any kind of auction, online or in person, make sure you know the rules and procedures. You dont want to scratch your nose and discover youve bid on a Ferrari! All rules and procedures can be obtained prior to the auction date. The online auctions have their rules and procedures on their websites.

Joseph is the proud owner of Car Auctions, a website that willexplain everything you need to know about Finding Cheap Cars. We invite you to visit our site today and see what we have to offer.

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If You Don’t Have A Carport Or Garage You Should Consider A Car Cover For Your Vehicle

If You Don’t Have A Carport Or Garage You Should Consider A Car Cover For Your Vehicle
By Gregg Hall

Purchasing and owning a car is a large responsibility. It is important to have a safe place to store your vehicle when you are not driving it. Many homes today have garages either attached or on the property. However, there are still many homes with either no garage or unusable garage space. If you would like to continue to take the best care of your vehicle possible then it is important to purchase a car cover.

Car covers are specially made covers to cover your vehicle. You can buy standard car covers or have one custom made. There are a few different options for finding a car cover.

One of the first places to look when purchasing a car cover is at the dealership where you purchased your vehicle. Often times the dealership can either order a car cover or point you in the right direction to locate someone who could.

Another place to purchase a car cover is at a specialty auto shop or custom shop. These businesses will sew you a vehicle cover to fit your vehicle. The best part about custom car covers besides the exact fit is that you can have it designed any way you choose. If you would like to have your favorite sports team name embroidered on the cover a custom shop is the way to go. Just about anything you want put on your cover is possible for the right price. Custom covers are more expensive because they have to meet certain specifications and are made only to fit your vehicle.

If you have tried purchasing a car cover at a dealership or custom shop and still lack satisfaction there is another place to look, the Internet. With access to the entire world at your computer the Internet may be the place to find a car cover for your vehicle. Online you can browse all the available shops that sell or make car covers. This will enable you to compare prices, availability, and styles without leaving your home. If you want to have a custom cover made, the Internet can be very helpful since you and the custom shop can stay in contact via the Internet exchanging ideas and thoughts. The price may be a little easier to negotiate on the Internet because there are so many alternative places to go if the price is too high.

Whether you are looking to purchase a standard car cover or a custom made car cover, there a few different options available. The vehicle dealership where you purchased your vehicle may have car covers or be able to find one for you. Custom shops are another option for buying a cover to fit your vehicle. If you would like to comparison shop a bit more, the Internet is a great place to go. Wherever you find your car cover located, it wont matter so much once you discover the additional protection it provides your vehicle.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as a car accessories at

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10 MORE Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas

10 MORE Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas
By Pete Lance

Learn some of the best tips to get optimum gas mileage. Here weve compiled 10 more tips to help you stretch your dollar at the gas station!

If you have not seen our previous article (10 Tips For Saving Cash On Your Gas), you might want to do a search for it on our website ( or on Google.

Alright, on to the tips!

Tip 1: Watch Your Gas
You should be aware of the amount of fuel you use. Notice your car’s performance, such as the mileage per gallon. When fuel efficiency decreases, your car may need servicing.

Tip 2: Buy Gas from a Busy Station
A gas station that is consistently busy has to refill its underground tanks regularly. Slower stations that don’t refill as often may have stale contaminated gas in its underground tanks, and this contamination will affect your fuel economy.

Tip 3: Turn the Nozzle
After you have finished filling up your tank, you should twist the gas pump nozzle a full 180 degrees. This will drain a bit more gas into your tank, sometimes up to an entire half cup. If you don’t do this, the extra gas would just be a bonus to the next gas customer.

Tip 4: Tighten the Gas Cap
Tighten your gas cap until it clicks. This will help prevent the gasoline from evaporating and escaping.

Tip 5: Check Your Cars Tire Pressure
You should check your car’s tire pressure regularly. Under inflated tires reduce your car’s fuel efficiency, and also causes premature tire wear, affecting the life-span of your tires.

Tip 6: Remove Excess Weight from Your Car
You should remove excess weight from your car. Some people use the car trunk as a storage space, adding unnecessary weight to the car. This will reduce your car’s fuel efficiency.

Tip 7: Keep Your Car Tuned-Up
Always keep your car tuned up to ensure optimum performance. Car’s that have not been serviced for a long time often have poorer fuel efficiency.

Tip 8: Use Your Car Less
You can try to arrange car pools with co-workers to reduce the cost of getting to work. To save even more, you can drive less and walk, bike or run to your intended destination, especially if the place is nearby.

Tip 9: Change Your Work Start Time
If it is possible, change your work start and end time to avoid traffic congestions. Stopping and going affects your gas mileage.

Tip 10: Dont Fill Up When the Price is High
Lastly, when the price is high, don’t fill up. You should wait for the prices to go down before you fill up, especially if your gas tank is more than half full. Filling up when the price is high tells the gas companies that people are willing to pay ridiculous prices for gasoline.

One last tip: Sign up for a free daily email with the lowest gas prices for your zip code.

About the Author:
Pete Lance is the founder of, a premier company which helps the consumer save money on gasoline. Thousands of gas stations across the nation are tracked daily to guarantee the lowest prices on gasoline anywhere in the United States.

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