Archive for October, 2008

ATV Dealers

ATV Dealers
By Bowe Packer

The ATV or All Terrain Vehicle is used for many dissimilar types of applications ranging from recreational, sports, construction and other another(a) uses. To find these vehicles you can use the usual method which involves going to dealers who may be able to sell these Four wheelers to you. This method can be slightly foxy especially if you are new to the idea of using ATVs. The other way that you can locate ATV dealers is with that of the internet.

With a few mouse clicks you can browse through dissimilar sites where you will find many ATV dealers who are exceedingly avid to sell the latest in ATVs to you. They will also be able to show you versatile items that will help you to handle your new ATV with a minimal of trouble. Some of the more well known ATV dealers from companies like Honda, Yamaha and Kawasaki can inaugurate you to ATVs that are within your monetary value budget.

Of course if you are not well-situated with the idea of buying any goods from the internet, you can also use the Net to find ATV dealers that are situated near you. Some of these sites will show you the ATV dealers that are placed not only in your vicinity but also in your city and in the state that you live in. These sites will let you go the web sites of these dealers so that you can find out what types of ATVs are sold in that establishment.

Once you have located an ATV principal or ATV dealers who seem to have the types of ATVs that you are interested in then you can see about contacting them to find out what their assorted policies are concerning the sale of ATVs. These companies should have a payoff policy and a warrantee for any of the ATV vehicles that they are merchandising but if you cant see about acquiring this information then you can decide if you want to continue with those ATV dealers or start your search for ATVs all over again.

The main thing that you must do is to take your time and select an ATV that will be suited for your life and what you will be expecting from this ATV work wise. Also you will need to investigate the possibility of acquiring secondhand ATVs if the assorted ATVs in the showrooms are out of your budget. As there are may different ATVs in the market both new and used you will be able to select the type of ATV that you are dreaming of. The many ATV dealers in the different ATV showrooms and on the internet will be able to help you to purchase an ATV that you will be able to use for many years.

Bowe is the webmaster and content provide for many informational websites. Please visit his ATV site at:

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10 Steps to Winterize Your Car

10 Steps to Winterize Your Car
By Jeff Boyd

Winter is almost upon us and hence, so is winter driving. Before the first major snowfall hits your area of the country you should get your car ready for Winter. Here are 10 things you should check before driving this winter:

1. Tires Make sure the tires are in good condition. It’s best to have them examined by a mechanic if youre not sure how to check whether your tires are safe to last the winter months. Examine tires for uneven wearing, and remaining tread life; check the sidewalls for cuts or punctures. Check tire pressure. Verify your spare tire is fully inflated and make sure all of the tire-changing equipment is in place and functions properly. Rotate your tires as recommended by your manual.

2. Check and Change the engine oil. Change your oil and oil filter according to what your manual states. It’s best, for city driving, to change the oil at least every 3,000 miles. Also, make it a habit to check your oil level every time you fill up your gas tank.

3. Check out the hoses and belts. Make sure there is no cracking or fraying. Also, ensure no fluids are leaking. If your car screams when idling, that’s a good sign one of your belts is loose or going out. Have it inspected and changed or tightened immediately.

4. Replace the windshield wipers. It’s best to have new ones prior to the first snow fall. Also, make sure your windshield washer fluid reservoir is full of actual washer fluid (not water).

5. Ignition System Starting up a car in cold weather is rough on the ignition system. Have it checked before winter. It’s best to have a tune-up.

6. . The Battery As part of the tune-up, most mechanics will test your battery as well. You need a very reasonable amount of Cold Cranking Amps (CCRs) in order for your battery to start your car during the cold months ahead. If your battery is more than a few years old, it’s best to have it replaced.

7. Check your antifreeze The anti-freeze level should be checked during each refueling as well. Most places that change your oil will usually top off your antifreeze levels as well. If they dont, just ask if they would, most will do at not extra charge.

8. Fuel It’s best to keep your tank full during the cold spells ahead, that helps ensure the gas line doesnt freeze. Also, you should periodically put some gas anti-icing mixture into your tank.

9. Lights Keep your headlights free of grime. Check them often, during slushy times of the winter, they can easily become too dark to be effective.

10. Emergency Kit Make sure you have an emergency kit in the back of your vehicle. You can put one together yourself but it’s best to get one that has items specifically made for each purpose. For example, some kits come with a shovel, which is better than using a can or some other homemade device. Also, most kits come with some form of first-aid products.

Jeff Boyd is the Owner of, A site that specializes in items and information to help make your driving experience a safe one. We specialize in the AAA brand of Emergency Car Kits. These are great gift ideas and shipping is free for pre-tax purchases of $100.00 or more. Multi-purchase discounts apply, visit for more information.

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A Century of Harley Davidson Legacy

A Century of Harley Davidson Legacy
By Low Jeremy

The beginning of the Harley-Davidson Motor Company in 1903 was very impressive. The founders, Bill Harley and Arthur Walter Davidson, began at a prototype with a small engine- so weak that it cannot conquer the Milwaukee hills. But, all things must have started from small beginnings. And that was exactly what happened to the Harley-Davidson Motor Company. Schoolboys, as they can be considered, Bill and Arthur may have been born to give contribution to the motor industry.

The concept of the first Harley-Davidson motorcycle was very advanced at that time considering that fact that these two individuals were living in the period where horses were still the main form of transportation and automobiles were still developing. Bill and Arthur lived in an era where motorcycles were still in infant stage. What was more surprising was that, Bill and Arthur were still too young to be founders of a company then.

The prototype may be considered a success but could not produce more power to be efficient in hills. As resourceful as they were, Bill and Arthur made stronger engines that produced more power and speed.

That very same year, Harley-Davidson made its very first sale. Two years later they had made 11 motorcycles. And in 1908, they had made 154.

As the years went by, the company had produced and sold more and more units. Harley-Davidson, which started at a small backyard of a modest home, grew to become a motorcycle empire in a very short span of time.

Innovations after innovations and awards after awards, Harley-Davidson Motors had increased its reputation as the leader in the motorcycle industry.

Harley-Davidson was one of the 2 motor companies that had been commissioned to mass-produce motorcycles for the government to be used for First World War and the Second World War as well.

Within the 100 years of the companys existence, they had been challenged with so many trials.The companys sale went off in some periods but they regained on the next. The companys quality had been compromised but they had regained it. And like the toughness of the motorcycles they built, the company had remained tough.

After more than a century of motorcycle manufacturing, Harley-Davidson is among the most sought after motorcycle brands around the world. They have created several models that are truly world-class. Harley-Davidson will continue to manufacture quality motorcycles that are indeed an exiting machine to ride.

This content is provided by Low Jeremy and may be used only in its entirety with all links included. For more info on Harley-Davidson, please visit

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Trendy Motorcycle Jackets for Street Bike Riders

Trendy Motorcycle Jackets for Street Bike Riders
By Anirban Bhattacharya

Every sport needs proper clothing requirement. More dangerous the sport more stringent the need for proper outfit. Street biking is a game that is dangerous as well as thrilling. Hence, proper outfit is necessary for Street Bike Riders. Earlier, it was not so pleasant for street bikers when street bike gear werent available in such great options. Quality street bike jackets not necessarily used to be glamorous while glamorous street bike jackets used to be a compromise on quality.

The scenario is not the same now. Today, many motorcycle gear manufacturers have evolved and are producing quality street bike jackets, leather motorcycle jackets, and other types of motorcycle jackets that are not only protective but fashionable. You can find fashionable motorcycle jackets, fashionable street bike jackets, fashionable leather jackets and other fashionable motorcycle gear at affordable prices.

Check out our collection of motorcycle jackets. We offer high quality stylish motorcycle jackets, street bike jackets, leather jackets of various makes and levels of protectiveness. Be it street biking, racing, or simple city riding, stylish motorcycle jackets, leather jackets, and street bike jackets that we offer are evenly picked and categorized so that choosing for our customers are never difficult.

Cost is often a major concern when buying motorcycle jackets, and we realize how dangerous it is when people just go for ordinary clothing just to feel easy on their pockets. Everything that we offer, be it trendy motorcycle jackets, street bike jackets, or other apparels, we make sure that they are affordable and quality certified so that compromise is not what you do when you shop for leather motorcycle jackets.

Myself webmaster of offers Motorcycle Jackets,Motorcycle Helmets, Motorcycle Pants, Motorcycle Boots and other motorcycle gear from top motorcycle manufacturers such as answer motorcycle apparel, bell helmets, HJC helmets, firstgear motorcycle jackets

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Driving Our Car While Fighting To Stay Awake

Driving Our Car While Fighting To Stay Awake
By Daniel Baldyga

While on a trip, or even close to home, we all want to keep driving for as long as possible. Yet nobody, in their right mind, wants to be a threat to ourselves (or others) because were too sleepy to operate our motor vehicle. Self-awareness of our sleepiness is always the key to driving safely!

In a report dated just last year 2004, the National Safety Council wrote that traffic death rates are 3 times greater at night – – than during the day!

This report also stated, Driving at night is more of a challenge than most people think and its much more dangerous.

So, you may ask, What is it that makes night driving so dangerous?

The NATIONAL SAFETY COUNCILS answer to that one is as follows, DEALING WITH THE DARKNESS IS AN IMPOSSIBLE TASK. 90% of a drivers reaction depends upon vision and that is severely limited at night. Depth perception, color recognition plus peripheral vision are compromised after sundown .

PLUS: Another huge factor, as stated by the NSC (which adds to even more danger when youre night driving) is fatigue. Day or night drowsiness will always make ones driving more difficult because it dulls concentration and it surely slows reaction time.


#1.You must observe night driving safety as soon as the sun goes down. Twilight is one of the most difficult times to drive because your eyes are constantly changing to the growing darkness.

#2.YES, its a Time Consuming Headache – – HOWEVER: You should prepare your car for night driving. Clean headlights, tail lights, signal lights and windows (inside and out) at least once a week and even more often if necessary. You must do this – – especially if youre on a long trip!

#3.Your headlights must be properly aimed. Headlights can blind other drivers and they also reduce your ability to see the road.

#4.If you have any doubt at all you should turn your headlights on. Under normal circumstances lights will most likely not help you see in early twilight but theyll always make it easier for other drivers to see you. Being seen as is important as seeing.

#5.Reduce your speed and increase your following distances. Its much more difficult to judge other vehicles speeds and distances at night.

#6.When following another motor vehicle (be it a car, truck or whatever) you must keep your headlights on low beam so as not to blind the driver ahead of you.

#7.If an oncoming vehicle doesnt click from high to low, you can avoid the glare by watching the right edge of the road and using it as a steering guide.

#8.Make frequent stops for light snacks and exercise. If youre too tired to drive, stop and get some rest.

#9.If you have car trouble, pull off the road as far as possible. If you have what are identified as Reflecting Triangles you should warn approaching traffic by setting them up near your vehicle and about 300 feet behind it.

PLUS: Whether you have reflecting triangles or not you should: A: Turn on your flashers plus your dome light. B: Get your body off the roadway. C: Remove both yourself and your passengers away from the area.

In 2004 NHTSA (The U.S. National Highway Traffic Association Administration) estimates that approximately 100,000 police-reported crashes involved drowsiness and fatigue as a principal casual factor. In their report they stated, About one million crashes per year were thought to be produced by Drowsy Drivers.

In a poll NHTSA ran in 1999, 62% of all adults surveyed reported driving a car (or some other vehicle the previous year = in 1998) while feeling Drowsy, 27% said that they had, at some time, dozed off while driving. 23% of them reported they knew individuals who had experience a fall-asleep crash.

This report also said, People tend to fall asleep more on high-speed, long, boring, rural highways. And that The New York Police estimated that 30% of all fatal crashes, along the New York Thruway, occurred because the driver fell asleep.

DISCLAIMER: The only purpose of this article, DRIVING OUR CAR WHILE FIGHTING TO STAY AWAKE is to help people understand the motor vehicle accident insurance claim process. Neither Dan Baldyga, nor EZINE ARTICLES make any guarantee of any kind whatsoever; NOR do they purport in rendering any legal service; NOR to substitute for a lawyer, an insurance adjuster, claims consultant, or the like. Where such professional help is desired it is THE INDIVIDUALS RESPONSIBILITY to obtain said services.

Dan Baldygas third and latest book AUTO ACCIDENT PERSONAL INJURY INSURANCE CLAIM (How To Evaluate And Settle Your Loss) can be found on the internet at or This book reveals How To successfully handle your motor vehicle accident claim so you wont be taken advantage of. It also goes into detail regarding BASE (The Baldyga Auto Accident Settlement Evaluation Formula). THE BASE FORMULA explains how to determine the value of the Pain and Suffering you endured – – because of your personal injury!

Copyright (c) 2005 By Daniel G. Baldyga. All Rights Reserved.

Dan Baldyga is a retired Insurance Claim man. He was an Adjuster, Supervisor and Claims Manager for 30 years and then spent another 5 as a Trial Counsel. He has written 3 highly succcessful How To Auotmobile Accident Books. He can be reached at

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Car Detail Shop considerations

Car Detail Shop considerations
By Lance Winslow

Auto detailing is indeed an interesting market sector and over the past 27-years we have detailed just about everything under the sun. We have studied the market to determine where the greatest opportunities lie in the detailing industry. What many fail to realize is that there are times when a detail shop fixed location is the best option as opposed to a Mobile Detail Trailer. For instance in certain regions where weather is seasonal for outside detailing and artificial conditions have to be created to conduct operations.

Working in an artificial environment has its challenges. Lighting is a big issue. Artificial lighting can make it tough to see spots on the vehicle that were missed or not completed to the show room finish you are looking for in a completed detail. This can be counteracted in a number of ways; Specialty lighting, reflective flooring and walls, mirrors and natural light from the outside through windows and skylights. In a shop, which can at times need to be fully operational 24/7 it is necessary to pay important attention to these considerations.

A shop also has advantages over the mobile operations in weather such as low temperatures, dense fog, high winds, ice, hail, and rain. Such conditions do not allow products to work their best for the best possible results. In certain regions and various times of the year production will slow down without proper consideration to weather conditions. An enclosed operation can also help in keeping workers happy out of rain, wind, heat or freezing weather. We use space heaters in Reno, NV and Bozeman, MT in the shops in the Winter time along with special lighting and reflective surfaces. The shop in Vancouver we have some of these capabilities as needed. It rains a lot in Washington in the winter and therefore the necessity to have an enclosed and moderate temperature environment is important.

As many of you know one of the preferred suppliers to the Industry of Detailing Products in many parts of the country is Auto Magic. They have been used by our Franchisees in Houston, San Antonio and San Marcos, Texas as well as in GA, FL, PA, KY, CO, TN and OH. We use many of their products because their product line is probably the best over all and they have Clay Magic which is used to remove pollen marks, over spray and fallout off clear coats without damaging the finish. Youll need the best products and best results to serve your customers. Think on this.

Lance Winslow – Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance in the Online Think Tank and solve the problems of the World;

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10 Reasons To Get A CarFax Report

10 Reasons To Get A CarFax Report
By Aurel Radulescu

A CarFax report is affordable. For less than $50.00, consumers can learn everything that they need to know about a vehicle before agreeing to make a purchase and signing on the dotted line.

With a CarFax report, you will be able to confirm the automobiles VIN number, year, make and model. This is important in making sure that you are purchasing the automobile as it is being presented to you for sale.

With a CarFax report, you can find out if the automobile has ever been flooded or has been repaired for any flood damage. This is very important, especially if purchased in areas that are prone to flooding, hurricane damage, etc. Even if an area is not prone to flood damage, there is always the possibility that an automobile has traveled through high water or been exposed to it at some point.

With a CarFax report, you can find out if the automobile has ever been involved in any type of car accident and, if so, what damages were reported. Every day, automobile accidents occur and the damages often require extensive repairs. It is important for you to know whether or not the automobile you are considering purchasing has ever had any type of damage.

With a CarFax report, you can find out if the automobile has ever suffered from any type of fire damage and, if so, what repairs were made to correct the damages.

With a CarFax report, you can make sure the automobile has a clear title and does not have any liens. This is very important when you purchase an automobile, home or even raw land. If you purchase something that does not have a clear title, you are basically throwing your money away. If you receive a clear title, you will have full ownership of the car and will be able to legally resell it in the future.

A CarFax report will confirm the number of miles to be the original miles as noted on the CarFax report. The sad, but honest, truth is that there are some individuals who attempt to falsify an automobiles actual miles in order to collect a higher sale price.

With a CarFax report, an individual can learn how many previous owners the car has had. This is important in considering why the car has had multiple owners, if it has, and may be a sign that something is wrong. An automobile with only one owner is more likely to be reliable as opposed to one that has been shuffled amongst multiple owners.

With a CarFax report, you can find out what, if any, repairs have been made on the automobile. This is important in considering what type of recurring problem there may be with the automobile or whether or not you are purchasing a lemon. A car that has had excessive repairs, either in various parts or in one particular area, may be an indication that you should be prepared to spend some time at the repair shop as the new owner.

And finally, a CarFax report provides overall peace of mind in knowing that you did the research and are not relying on the seller to provide accurate information. An informed buyer is a smart one.

Find our how to check an used car price with KellyBlueBook or see the latest vehicles recalls and auto accessories on

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Your Next Car? Or Maybe the One After That

Your Next Car? Or Maybe the One After That
By David Cox

In the technological lifecycle of new products there are distinct stages, first a concept must be proven feasible. Then it must be shown that the idea can be sold and mass-produced in the market place. After these first two steps are achieved and production is accomplished then as the product becomes accepted the price begins to fall. Cell phones, microwave ovens, CD players all entered the marketplace with exorbitant prices but as they proved their worth the prices fell.

Enter the 2006 Tesla Roadster 0 to 60 in four seconds at a cost of one penny per mile. At 0 to 60 in four seconds you could pass most anything on the highway, but what you will always pass is the gas station. The Tesla roadster is all electric with a 250-mile range and a full charge time of three hours. That is equivalent to 135 mpg. Its secret is the battery a lithium ion lightweight battery the same as in your cell phone. As miles per gallons in gasoline vehicles have stalled at around 50-mpg battery technology keeps on improving.

General Motors proved with their EV1 electric car program the concept was viable in fact when the leased cars were call back in many of leasers begged GM to sell them the cars. So step one has been achieved and the concept proved and step two if only anecdotally is proven people enjoy electric cars. Now if you can give them performance with a two hundred and fifty mile range the only factor left is the cost. My first microwave cost almost $500.00 in 1985 dollars my last one $150.00 in 2000 dollars like wise cell phones and VCRs it all part of the process. This is America and you cant sell a car that runs forever for a nickel if it doesnt look cool!

This car looks cool; if you saw it coming it would turn your head guessing Ferrari? Lamborghini or Porsche? The car is futuristic, fully integrating the computer and the automobile turn the key and nothing happens until you add your pin. Drop your Tesla off for valet parking you switch to valet mode top speed 30 mph. This is a car for the 21st century every bell and whistle is included. Everything you would expect 4 wheel disc brakes, ABS with airbags with super car performance.

The car comes from the factory with a battery charger included and is outfitted both the car and the charging unit with computers that talk to each other. No power will begin transferring unless both computers are in agreement. If the charging cable isnt correctly attached or there is tension on the cord (from pets, kids, bicycles, and other items that may pass through your garage), the charger disengages. Even the battery box is self-regulating and protecting. Its programmed to prevent overcharging, and will shut itself down should you ever play U boat commander like Tom Cruise in Risky Business or if it senses that the cars airbags have deployed.

Why electric? Why not a Hybrid? the answer is oil dependence the Hybrid is like an alcoholic that says Im not going to drink as much today as I did yesterday. 63% of every drop of oil we import is used as a motor fuel, 3% is used to generate electricity. The Tesla is zero emission, zero nada zilch. Hybrids are cleaner but they dont solve the problem, Hybrids are a boat when what we need is a bridge.

Dont get me wrong Hybrids are great improvement but Hybrids integrate a gasoline engine with an electric motor and battery pack. The gasoline engine is small to save weight and fuel and like wise the electric motor and battery pack. Its snowshoes and skis if youve have an electric motor system with gasoline performance whats the gasoline engine for? Training wheels perhaps? Hybrids remind me of the old saying a camel is a horse designed by a committee. Lets not forget the main purpose why we are doing this, to save the planet to lesson the need for foreign oil is good but to eliminate it would be great!

Scientists and environmentalist forecast we must cut back on our emissions of green house gases by 20% in the next 25 years or the future is bleak. How about 60%, President Kennedy gave us a goal of ten years to reach the moon when the technology to do so didnt exist, this technology does exist. Everything you ever wanted in a car and less for $1.80 a fill up not a gallon but a fill up! No standing in the cold or rain and snow filling up the old gas burner for you, you pull into the garage put in the plug and your done.Embrace the future my Grandmother didnt like gasoline automobiles.

Simplicity is the answer everyone knows about electric motors and batteries, how often do you have trouble with a fan or your refrigerator or a can opener all electric motors. When you build a car thats electric, you start with one built-in advantage: Electric cars just dont have to be as complex mechanically as the car youre probably driving now. Sophisticated electronics and software take the place of the pounds and pounds of machinery required to introduce a spark and ignite the fuel that powers an internal combustion engine.

For example, the typical four-cylinder engine of a conventional car comprises over a hundred moving parts. By comparison, the motor of the Tesla Roadster has just one: the rotor. So theres less weight to drive around and fewer parts that could break or wear down over time.

But the comparison doesnt end with the counting of moving parts. The engine and transmission of a conventional car also need lubricating oils, filters, coolant, clutches, spark plugs and wires, a PCV valve, oxygen sensors, a timing belt, a fan belt, a water pump and hoses, a catalytic converter, and a muffler all items requiring service, and all items that arent needed in an electric car.

The car has only one drawback the cost around $200,000 but then again this is a high performance sports car whose competitors can cost twice that. It is the technology of zero emissions with good performance and good range along with a fast recharge that evokes images of the Wright Brothers. I have seen the future and if I had Bill Gates money I would be plowing it into this technology. For it is better to teach a man to fish than merely supply one.

The worlds demands for oil keep rising no matter what your political outlook no one can deny we wouldnt have been in such a hurry to set up a democracy in Iraq if they didnt have oil resources. The worldwide struggle for these resources grows greater by the day. No petroleum expert will argue that production will always exceed demand, do we wait for the well to run dry? Do we use our children fight wars to protect our share? Do we continue to off load tankers full of oil only to fill them back up with our dollars? To export our wealth to dictators tyrants and Sultans that we claim are our friends only because they have something we need.

We have the answer; we are Americans that is what we are good at, answers. We invent what we dont have we always have. Why we would continue to send billions to countrys that dont like us and we dont really like them is insane. When you add to that our pollution problems, and the importing of foreign cars. You see this is an American car built in California and it sure would be fun to export millions of cars instead of importing them. I think if I were their marketing manager every Tesla would include a letter to OPEC that said you can Kiss my American Backside

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10 Rules to Follow When Renting a Car Online

10 Rules to Follow When Renting a Car Online
By Andrew Bermam

The world has really gone cyber one can fly, find a date, buy a house, make arrangements to move and rent car online, great conveniences at the click of a button. As a consumer you must find out all the pros and cons of renting a car and carry out comparison shopping.

1.Visit company websites to determine what is on offer. Look for competitive rates and great facilities.

2.Try and locate a rental company close to where you intend to use the car it will save you money.

3.Before you proceed list your needs: what kind of car, how many people will travel, how many days you need the car and so on.

4.Use a reputed agency and call on their toll free number. Be sure to read all the terms and conditions carefully. Make sure you use a safe payment gateway and that you receive a confirmation e-mail. Some well known companies are Hertz (, Dollar, Alamo, and Avis ( Or, try travel sites many have great offers for clients who book hotels, air tickets, as well as cars.

5.Ask for packages and find out when rates are cheaper.

6.Be sure to ask for an agreement.

7.Ask about the age of the car, its condition, and how many miles it has been driven. If you expect to drive in bad weather be sure to check about tires, snow chains, and other equipment.

8.To rent a car online keep handy your drivers license, passport, photo-ID, and proof of address. Ask about travel insurance and whether the car has a current insurance.

9.Check the charges carefully and whether any additional payment will be charged for drop off and pick up.

10.Check whether your drivers licence is valid for the state/ country you wish to drive in or whether you need to obtain a new license.

It is a competitive world and online there are companys like Fox Rent a Car that offer discounts, reward points, coupons, hotel discounts and more. Check as many sites as you can to get a great deal. Popular companies are: Yahoo travels,, and Travelocity. Be a discerning consumer and hire a great car at a great price. Many car rental companies offer special rates if you are a member of one of their affiliate clubs or professional organizations.

Before you drive away in the rental car find out as much as possible about traffic rules, laws where you intend to drive, and safety norms. If your family is with you then choose a safe and comfortable car that will accommodate luggage, boisterous kids, and pets. If you intend to drive alone then you could opt for a compact car. Gauge your needs before you make a choice and carry your drivers license and insurance papers with you at all times. As a precaution inform a friend, family member, or the office of your travel plans. Cary a mobile phone for emergencies or arrange to call in at specific times. Enjoy your rent-a-car experience.

Andrew Bermam is a freelance writer for, the premier website to find help on Cars including topics on car rental, national car rental, thrifty car rental, online car rental, pickup trucks rental, cargo van rental and more. He also freelances for the premier Car Insurance Quotes site

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Finding A Classic Car For Sale

Finding A Classic Car For Sale
By Harvey Ong

Car collectors come in all shapes and sizes, not to mention demeanors and habits. Some collectors are content with one or two treasured pieces in their collection. Others, however, are more voracious and want to have as many as they can afford in their garages. The latter category always seem to be looking for that a specific classic car for sale; something they don’t have but want to add to their ever-expanding collections. A classic car for sale is not all that hard to find, especially now that there are hundreds of classic car listings and websites for a prospective buyer to look through.

The first place to look when one seeks a classic car for sale is, naturally, online. There are several websites that cater to this market, each one having extensive listings of classics for sale, including such models as the 1971 Dodge Challenger 383, or the 1966 Ford Bronco. Most websites that cater to the classic car market have special options in their search system to help narrow down the results. Typically, these take the form of additional parameters, such as what year the car was made, which manufacturer is preferred, the location of the seller, and the zip code. These options help prospective buyers to find exactly what they are looking for at the budged that they have. For the most part, the ads on websites have pictures of the car being put on sale, in order to attract more potential buyers and show that the car is, indeed, in good aesthetic condition.

For those who have more time on their hands, the classic car for sale websites usually have their own real-world counterparts. These counterparts generally take the form of classified ads or magazine-like listings that collectors can subscribe to. The core of the concept is still there, though there are a few minor differences. One obvious difference is that these listings do not have the search feature that is so prominent on websites. The system the listings make use of is made as simple as possible by listing the cars alphabetically. However, the listings still include all the details that the sellers provide them, which includes pictures, for the most part. Other bits of common information between the two are contact information for the seller, the asking price, the make and model of the car, and the general condition of the car. Optional pieces of information are how many times it has been driven, the mileage accumulated, a general summary of the car’s history, and any other piece of information that the seller may choose to divulge in the ad. One drawback of the listings is that they are not as up-to-date as their website counterparts are, due mainly to the nature and differences of the two different media involved.

Regardless of which method a collector uses, a classic car for sale is still something that he will seek out. There are as many people out there willing to give up their prized Impala or Cadillac as there are willing to pay good money to take it off their hands. It may take some time looking but eventually, if a classic car for sale is what you’re looking for, you will inevitably find it in one listing or another.

For more valuable information on Classic Car For Sale, please visit

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