Archive for December, 2008

Your Guide For Choosing The Best Car Navigation Systems

Your Guide For Choosing The Best Car Navigation Systems
By Morgan Hamilton

I used to rely on an atlas whenever I went on long car trips. Nowadays things have changed, and drivers can now install car navigation systems in their vehicles that will guide them to their destination. Recent models of trucks and cars automatically come with this feature, and others can be purchased separately.

You should look for user-friendly models, if you are looking for auto navigation systems. A complicated system will just make things difficult for you. It will take you a long time to reach your destination, if you are always fiddling with your system. It can also put your life in danger especially, if you fiddle with it while driving.

Find a model that you can easily learn to use and one that has a display that you can comprehend whenever you use it. Some systems that have sophisticated features and display screens that are too small and hard to understand.

Try to look for car navigation systems that are precise in the directions they offer. Road construction and new roads are important issues that should be covered by your system. A good system should keep up with the regular changes that re being done on roads and highways. Updates may come regularly, or you may request one before going on a road trip.

Car navigation systems are available on specialty stores, and on the Internet. Browse through different sites to find the best price. Its also smart to ask a lot of questions before you pay for a system. Find out if there is a yearly or monthly fee for service, and what extras a model may offer you.

Find out if you have to read the screen. You will find it hard to use your system if the screen is affected by sunlight or if it is too bright. You should also know if the model offers a voice direction feature, or if the directions are easy to access.

If youre having doubts about purchasing car navigations systems, you can avail of the same service through your cell phone. Some services will send directions through your cell phone, but they will charge a fee. This is suitable for those dont travel a lot, and need driving directions for only a few trips every year.

Morgan Hamilton offers expert advice and great tips regarding all aspects concerning Car Navigation Systems. Visit our site for more helpful information about Car Navigation Systems and other similar topics.

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Why Keeping Your Tires In Good Shape Helps Protect Your Wallet

Why Keeping Your Tires In Good Shape Helps Protect Your Wallet
By Gregg Hall

It can pay dividends, literally, to keep your car’s tires in good shape. If you don’t make sure that your car’s tires have the proper air pressure, are rotated regularly and in good alignment, then you harm your car’s fuel efficiency. Given the way fuel prices are, that can add up pretty quickly. So, learn what you need to do to keep your four rubber tires working their best to keep your fuel bill to a minimum, and get the added benefit of doing your part to protect the environment.

One of the easiest things related to tire maintenance to keep under control is inflation. Your tires have to have a certain amount of air pressure to work properly, and you need to check them every so often to see if they are in the proper range. Each pound of pressure that your tires are under inflated will cost you .4% of your fuel economy, so make sure that your tires are properly inflated! If you don’t know what the proper PSI of your tires are, you will be able to find one listed in your glove compartment. Also, make sure that all your tires are evenly inflated. Unevenly inflated tires will lessen fuel efficiency almost as much as under inflated tires. Make sure that you keep track of your tires’ pressure. It’s as easy as checking a gauge every now and then, so do it.

During the colder winter months, you will have to pay special heed to your tires’ pressure. That is because as the air cools, the air pressure in your tires will drop. In fact, it is one pound of pressure for every 10 degrees Fahrenheit. So, during the winter, you will likely have to add a bit of air during the colder months, which in turn will help your tires cut through the slushy, snowy muck that can form them.

Keeping your tires properly rotated can also greatly improve your fuel economy. Tire rotation ensures that no one area of your tires gets excessive wear. If you are not sure of the right way to rotate your tires, check your car’s owner’s manual. You should have your tires rotated twice per year.

When you are ready for a replacement tire, make sure that you purchase the right tire for your car. Check your owner’s manual for the right size and type. Desirable characteristics for fuel efficiency include low rolling resistance, and long tire life. When you are purchasing your tires, tell the dealer that you are interested in maximizing fuel economy, and they will help you choose the right tire to do so.

Finally, make sure that your car’s tires are all correctly in alignment. This needs to be checked once every year; probably one of the times you have your tires rotated. Tires that are misaligned do not roll freely, and so will consume more fuel, shorten your tires’ lifespan, and also impede a vehicle’s handling ability.

Also remember that poorly kept tires can be a safety hazard. Racing slicks are good for a track, but not a wet road. Saving fuel money may also save your life.

Keeping your car’s tires in good repair is a sound, economical investment. You pocketbook will thank you when you are filling up. Keeping your tires in good condition may even pay for itself.

Gregg Hall is an author living in Navarre Beach, Florida. Find more about this as well as custom wheels at

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Has Hyundai Been Able To Reshape Their Image?

Has Hyundai Been Able To Reshape Their Image?
By Joshua Rose

It doesn’t seem that long ago that Hyundai was getting more chuckles than customers. However, sales growth in recent years indicates that Hyundai has perhaps found their footing and won some respect.

The fact that Hyundai’s reputation and market acceptance has risen is actually a fairly notable achievement, given their history of producing ample fodder for laughs on the likes of the Tonight Show and Letterman. Today, however, they’re taken quite seriously. The times have changed for this South Korean automaker with U.S. sales now surpassing the 5,000,000 mark.

Hyundai entered the U.S. market in 1986 with a compact sedan called the Excel. Actually, sales were surprising brisk, as they sold 100,000 units in just 7 months. There was a problem, however. Hyundai was not yet prepared to provide adequate service for the number of cars sold. This really hurt their image for quality and their reputation suffered significantly.

Adding fuel to the fire were subsequent models that didn’t stand up to American standards for expected levels of quality.

The turn around began in earnest in 1999 when a new Chairman, Chung Mong-koo, stressed quality as the company’s #1 priority, while investing heavily in new product designs. And the results have been impressive.

In 2006, for example, J.D. Power ranked Hyundai #1 for non-luxury brands, beating out Japan’s Toyota Motor Corp. And when including luxury brands, Hyundai was ranked No. 3.

And says, Hyundai is known for producing vehicles that offer great value at low prices.

This emphasis on quality has fueled Hyundai’s U.S. market share up to 3.4%. And last year, Hyundai sold 450,000 vehicles in the U.S.. It’s target for 2007 is 550,000 units.

Hyundai has also become known for attractive pricing, plenty of features, and a 100,000 mile Factory Warranty, one of the longest in the industry.

It’s for these reasons that people, still laughing from the old days, may want to add Hyundai to their list of new or used cars to consider the next time they’re in the market.

Joshua Rose is an Auto Broker at For information on negotiating a great car deal, please see his tips at Car Buying Advice.

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