Archive for Toyota

2009 Toyota Corolla Review – A Review Of The 2009 Toyota Corolla Automobile

The 2009 Toyota Corolla is both innovative and reliable, with several new options that allow for safety and convenience. Impressive new features on the Corolla include a DVD navigation system with speakers to make trips more enjoyable, and also, the available Vehicle Stability Control, to allow for better control in adverse conditions. Combined with the Corolla’s traction control, these features make the Corolla ride a safe one. Read the rest of this entry »

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Ready to Buy Or Lease a 2009 Toyota Prius?

With gas prices soaring high, it is quite impractical to get transportation that guzzles up gasoline and diesel fuel. Most, if not all, car buyers’ first requirement when they consider buying a brand new car is the fuel efficiency factor. It is followed by the space-efficiency of the car to allow more passenger space and a wider cargo space to put baggage. The 2009 Toyota Prius has the combined fuel- and space-efficiency to meet almost any requirement. Read the rest of this entry »

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